We are all one and the same. Human. Alive. This is what I believe and is the overall theme of my work in any medium, music, writing, art, or whatever I'm doing. I was not always like this, however. I started out like a lot of other people do in rock and roll, writing songs about girls, usually ones who didn't like me. Lol This was my level of development at that time. All I could see was what was in front of me. I didn't have the consciousness needed to let my vision of life expand. Not yet. I was stuck in Small Mind, only thinking of me and not about how I relate to everything else.  

Now, I am concerned with living and creating from my Large Mind, my Global Mind, which leads me to think about both you and me at the same time, and to work towards ways we can unify rather than divide. The change came over me slowly, as I noticed my mind going to bigger topics again and again and not finding much left in me when it came to writing boy meets girl songs anymore. I want to do work as an artist that provokes thought and discussion and hopefully help people discover that we have more reasons to hang together than we do to pull apart. This is my way of doing good in the world.  

My words, music, and online life are also my way of flying a flag to attract others who might be thinking about some of the same things. This has worked very well and led me to meet many cool and interesting people from different walks of life who are also trying to bring something positive into our world with their talents. I love that I attract people of faith, of politics, of family, and of the street and we all converse as reasonable, problem-solving beings. One of my newest friends on Twitter is Neil Vermillion, who is a man of faith, a writer, photographer, and general creative with a message of his own. I'm glad to have him in my loop and hope we can work together on some things in the future. You can check Neil out right here: http://www.neilvermillion.com/prophetic/daily-prophetic-word/ 

What flags do you fly? What message do you spread? Am I the only one who thinks about this stuff? Please share your thoughts and ideas, as this is an important conversation we humans need to have. 

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