5 Great Reasons To Take Guitar Lessons!

5 Great Reasons To Take Guitar Lessons
1 - Instant feedback
     No matter how good the teacher on YouTube is, he or she can’t watch you play and offer personal and practical advice on how to make what you are playing better. A real, live teacher gives you an instant critique of your playing and speeds up the learning process by showing you where to focus.
2 - Connections
Odds are that anyone good enough at their instrument to teach professionally is connected to a lot of other similar folks in the music scene they are operating in. Your teacher can be the source of many playing, gigging, and even teaching opportunities that could benefit you as you progress and keep getting better. This whole game is based in knowing people, so start making contacts with your local pros. 
3 - All You Questions Answered
Working with a teacher allows you to ask the questions that YOU need answered and not just have to make do with a generic video lesson geared for the average Joe or Josephine. This allows the lesson experience to be tailored to each student, rather than giving every student the same material, regardless of their needs. 
4 - Friendship
I don’t know about other teachers, but I have had many cases where someone started with me as a student and ended up becoming part of my circle of friends outside of lessons. This seems to happen to many of my long-term students, as sometimes the same things that bond us in lessons do the same thing in regular life. Music is a pretty social activity, so this often happens with little or no effort by either of us. Birds of a feather, and all…
5 - Fun
Believe it or not, music lessons can be a real hoot when the student and teacher are a good match and both do their part to make the process successful. This is why it is so important to shop for a teacher until you find one you feel good about who teaches what you want to learn. All of us teacher types are not the same and the overall coolness of your lesson time depends on you finding the right one of us to get you moving forward. 
For more info on guitar lessons, music production, or anything music-related, please email me  here and don’t forget to visit my official website.


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