I can't approach the new year with anything but a "go fuck yourself" attitude. Now is the time to harden the fuck up and go for it. If I don't, my mind will go soft and adopt a helpless, victim mentality, I will feel sorry for myself, and nothing good will happen. These are pretty much the only two settings my mind has and how it works. Middle ground and compromise have never worked for me and, looking back, most of my problems have come from attempting them, in one way or another.  

I've seen the best of us fall in the last year. I've seen things become terrible realities that I couldn't have imagined in my worst nightmares. I've seen the collective dream of a more human-friendly future take so many uppercuts that its chances of happening are more doubtful than ever.  

All of this and more is writing on the wall. It's in big letters. Guess what it says? You guessed it. Go fuck yourself. Three words so full of backbone and spirit that they are the correct answer to just about any moment of doubt or questioning. 

Think you can't do something? Go fuck yourself, you can. 

Think you're not smart enough? Go fuck yourself, you are. 

Too young, too old, too ugly? Go fuck yourself, you're so badass it doesn't matter.  

This is a warrior's declaration, not just some profane outburst or shocking statement. It's the ultimate way of saying that you are still in this fight called your life. We all need to remember that sometimes something fierce is called for. I'd say that time is now, wouldn't you?  

We are all facing challenges right now, all different but all big. The eyes of the Devil are staring each of us down, waiting for a blink, a flinch. No matter who you are, you're in danger of getting your ass kicked.  

So what are we supposed to do about it? FIGHT! Fight our impulses to quit, to give in, to settle for less than we need, and do something about our situations, instead. Now is the time. 

This magic phrase has become my mantra, my incantation. It calls me out on my bullshit and pushes me forward at the same time. It doesn't allow me the luxury of self-pity or give me a place to hide. It forces me to remember my own power and talent and what I can do when I stop doubting myself.  

It gets me ready to fight for the life I want and the people I want in it. It snaps everything into focus and tolerates no bullshit. Any time I doubt, any time I question my own worth or ability, I want my mind to automatically respond "go fuck yourself, stop that shit, and go be great."  

This is the sum total of resolutions I have made for 2017. If I can strengthen my mental game in this way, I believe the rest will take care of itself. I will do what's needed to display myself and what I do in a good light and both will be valued.  

If I fail at this, which is always possible, no one will know my name, words, or music and life will suck. I will squander the best of my abilities and I will be of no use to the world.  

Fuck that noise. The world needs me. It needs you, too. We all need to fully show up in 2017 and pull the best out of ourselves to have a chance to pull this world a little closer together. To do that, we can't be afraid or timid. We can't knuckle under to bullies and villains, especially when they live in our heads.  

So don't. Stand up and tell those bastards off. Use our magic phrase. Use it under your breath, if you have to. Fight the worst in you with the best in you. When those ugly, doubt-filled thoughts start telling you that you can't, tell them "go fuck yourself, I can."  

It's the only way forward. 

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